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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Obama's Middle East speech in full

Posted by JewishRefugee

Jews Wake Up!

You are being played as fools and sadly it is being done successfully.

We have been massacred throughout history of the mankind.

Our homeland has been destroyed and we were expelled.

We have every right to be suspicious and reluctant especially when there are those who want to walk us through the same path (assisted suicide) of massacre and expulsion from our own lands.

The only difference now is that we are doing it ourselves willingly.

Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?

What is wrong with us? We are the victims in this situation of unjust oppression by Miso-Judaic and Anti-Semitic nations and leaders of the world.

The anti-Semitic and Miso-Judaic sentiments have not changed only the terminology of the way it is expressed has changed.

If Jews do not support Israel’s sovereignty over Judea, Samaria, Golan Heights, and United Jerusalem then Israel has no purpose for the Jews thus there is no Jewish State.

While those nations who have pressured and are pressuring the smallest country in the Middle East and one of the smallest countries in the world (Israel) to give up more land for the illusion of peace then you are criminals no matter Jewish , Christian, or Muslim.

Wake Up before you have nothing to Wake Up to.

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